Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Decision Making Process Of The B2B And B2C Companies †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about theDecision Making Process Of The B2B And B2C Companies Answer: Introduction There are several businesses that are currently operational in the global market and each one of them have their own and unique style of operating in the market. There are several kinds of organizations that are functioning in the economy and two of them are Business to Business (B2B) organizations and Business-to-Consumer (B2C) organizations. The B2B companies provides and goods and services to the other businesses and are not connecting to the consumers directly and on the other hand B2C companies provides products and services to the consumers directly (Reijonen et al. 2015). The development of an organization is dependent on the decisions that are undertaken by the management of an organization. The decisions that are undertaken are dependent on the various factors. One of the critical factors with respect to which decision making process is dependent is the wants and demands that are seen in the market (Swani, Brown and Milne 2014). Hence, the market and the marketers have an in fluence on the decision making process of the B2B and B2C companies. This essay would therefore look to assess the influences that marketers have on the various decision making stages of B2B and B2C companies. Discussion B2B business have a complex decision making process in comparison to the B2C. The decision makers of the B2B businesses are obligated to the judgments and therefore have complex requirements in comparison to the consumer buyers. The consumers have rational and emotional requirements at a personal extent and on the other hand the B2B buyers have the needs at the level of the organization along with the personal level. The decisions that are taken by the management of B2B business are based on the influences from the market. The B2B purchasers are more rational as the purchasers are mostly other businesses and therefore before undertaking any kind of purchases they go through all the details and the quality of the product or the service that is being offered and accordingly take the decisions of purchasing a product (Swani et al. 2017). The B2B purchasers are relatively rational and therefore makes the job of the company a bit simpler as in this scenario, they just need to manufacture and design efficient and demanding products and thereafter sell them at a good price along with delivering them on time. However, there exists accountability that has a control on most of the B2B buyers and therefore trust and security are the main issues. The B2B purchasers do not wish to risk their livelihood and reputation by purchasing a product or a service that is unreliable. Therefore, the emotional factors like trust and security becomes critical. This leads to additional stress on brand, reputation and other factors that addresses reliability and consistency during the entire life of a product or a service that is being purchased. The B2B buying units are limited in the market as there are fewer number of customers who dominate the livelihood of the B2B business and therefore a database management is essential for the business (Liu et al. 2016). Customer relationship management process at the current time period permits the databases of the B2B businesses to remain updated with all the details of the important members and even keep record of the contact and transactional record. The limited number of units of purchase in the B2B markets and the focus on expense among the highest purchasers are provided with a dedicated value services that will explain the significance of the suppliers. Therefore, it becomes pertinent for the B2B companies to plan accordingly and satisfy the expectations or else they might lose the market. Cortez and Johnston (2017) explained that need based segment in B2B market are very less and therefore the job of the B2B marketer becomes much simpler. However, having knowledge about the suitable customers who fits in various segments are essential. Therefore the B2B companies construct their decisions based on creating an agreement on what the segments and how they have been differentiated. Hence, the companies require certain amount of investment on undertaking research on the same. The companies therefore looks to train the marketing team, sales and other departments so that effective level of segmentation can be undertaken. The B2B companies have knowledge that their customers are long term buyers. The customers generally looks to purchase products and services that would serve them for a longer time period and therefore the organizations try to design their products in such a manner that they would be able to satisfy their customers. The B2B business develop plans like providing free trials with the help of which the customers can have knowledge about the product and accordingly can think about purchasing the product if desired (Zhang et al. 2016). The B2B companies does not depend on providing proper level of packaging but relies more on giving the quality as the B2B purchasers demand for quality rather than packaging. The organizations look to create personal relationships with the customers with the help of which the company can be able to increase their level of sales and maintain competitive edge (Kumar and Pansari 2016). On the other hand, the B2C companies look to construct their plans and policies according to the desires of the final consumers. The final consumers purchase product in accordance to the attractiveness of the product and therefore the companies generally look to make their product attractive by adding in new and unique features with the help of which the company would be able to increase their sales (Agnihotri et al. 2016). The quality of the product has an impact on the minds of the consumers and therefore the B2C companies have a quality management team who has the authority to monitor the product and service and thereby maintain the quality that is desired by the consumers. The price of the product is even a critical factor for the B2C companies as availability of competition in the market would lead to reduction in sales (Sequeira et al. 2015). Hence, the companies in their decision making process develops a price for the product or the service that is suitable for the market and the marketers would be happy to pay that price in order to fulfil their desire. The decision making process of the B2C companies even have the idea of promotional activities as the promotion of the product in front of the final consumers would increase the sales as well. The companies therefore advertise their product and accordingly construct plans and policies that like providing discounts and other features on their products and services and thereby improve the sales and revenue for them (Moore, Raymond and Hopkins 2015). It is seen that there exists a huge difference in the decision making process of B2B and B2C companies as the products are relatively different and desires of the consumers are different. Conclusion The essay that had the intention of answering the marketer influence on the B2B and B2C business have explained that the market has a key role to play with the help of which the companies can course their decision making process and thereby assist in the development of the operational activities of the company. The marketers are the main factors with respect to which all the organizations operate their business and therefore all organizations focus on the demand and desires that are seen in the market. The process of decision making is vital and therefore all the operations of the business encompasses around them. The management of the organizations assesses the market on a frequent basis in order to have an understanding of what are the changes that are taking place in the market and accordingly transform their process of decision making and increase their level of profit and maintain competitive edge. References Agnihotri, R., Dingus, R., Hu, M.Y. and Krush, M.T., 2016. Social media: Influencing customer satisfaction in B2B sales.Industrial Marketing Management,53, pp.172-180. Cortez, R.M. and Johnston, W.J., 2017. The future of B2B marketing theory: A historical and prospective analysis.Industrial Marketing Management,66, pp.90-102. Kumar, V. and Pansari, A., 2016. 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